Friday 4 May 2012

Say Hello to my New Hand

This dainty model is helping me take better pictures of my bracelets. I have often heard that it is better to use live models, but I don’t have one available at my whim, that is, not one that has feminine hands and a dainty wrist :o)
I have tried using myself, but besides awkward angles when I’m trying to pose and manage the camera at the same time, I don’t make a great model. Having a kitten and creating wire jewellery often results in my hands looking like I just clawed my way out of a coffin after being buried under a bramble bush. I have spent hours ‘healing’ my hands in Photoshop, so that they wouldn’t distract from the jewellery.

Besides, when it comes to jewellery I think some people can get put off by seeing their one-of-a-kind piece of jewellery on somebody else’s wrist before they even received it.
So I got myself a helping hand. She arrived soot black which can be a bit harsh as a background so I sprayed her with a colour called fossil. Neutral but warm, which helps the camera and later me to identify which white balance to use to get the truest colours in the photo.

Studio Light

Getting nice shots is much easier now, and even if the hand is rather too dainty, it should still give a good idea of size in the shots and of how the piece will hang on your wrist. Should I give her a name? Manni?
