Friday 21 October 2011

Painting in progress

It is often easier I find, and been often told, to maintain a painting habit if you find a theme. A subject that might provide you with several painting ideas. It makes it easier to continue on to the next when one painting is done. And once you are working on a painting, more ideas usually crop up.
It is when staring at a blank canvas, wondering where to go next that I feel swamped. Overwhelmed no doubt of all the potential paintings this canvas could hold, and the pressure of finding the particular one that would be best at this moment.
So I have settled on a idea of doing  a series of portraits. Fantasy figures, really, but inspired by real faces, so that I don't resort to a mechanical plonking down of features. I have done that before.
I am already having fun with the first one. I think she might be a mermaid, which means she should have lots of jewellery in my opinion. Let's see where it goes :o)